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Pershing County Commission Votes in Support of Lands Bill

The Pershing County Commission voted unanimously in support of a draft version of Senator Reid and Senator Heller's Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act. The vote followed a series of town hall meetings in Lovelock which initiated an open dialogue between various stakeholders throughout the County including wilderness advocates, ranchers, miners, and sportsmen and women. With the strong support of the Commissioners and a diverse group of stakeholders who came out to support the proposal, we expect the Act to be introduced into the Senate shortly. 

Now Hiring: Southern NV Assistant!


Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness to participate in fun and rewarding stewardship projects with volunteers all over Southern Nevada! 

Celebrate National Trails Day 2016!


Nevada's wilderness trails provide opportunities to explore, experience solitude, breathe fresh air, and escape our stresses.  You're invited to spend a fun weekend with us celebrating National Trails Day on June 4th.  Be a part of the effort to take care of the places we all play!

Southern Nevada Businesses Celebrate Earth Day!

Businesses in southern Nevada have been busy celebrating Earth Day!  We joined Zappos for their annual Earth Day celebration, talking to dozens of employees about the need to permanently protect Gold Butte.  Earlier this week, employees from various MGM Resorts joined us to pick up litter in Lovell Canyon.  SH Architecture and Friends teamed up in Brownstone Basin to repair a barrier and take an interpretive hike.

Come see us at GREENFest in Downtown Summerlin this Saturday to join the fun!

Alternative Spring Break

Spring break usually conjures up thoughts of partying and sleeping in late. That was not the case for twelve college students who joined us for our sixth annual Alternative Spring Break. These intrepid students chose to spend the week stewarding and exploring the wilderness in southern Nevada, particularly Spirit Mountain and Bridge Canyon Wilderness area. We could not have been happier to spend the week at Lake Mead National Recreation Area with this amazing group of students and we would like to thank them for all of their hard work and efforts in making a big difference on southern Nevada's public lands. We'd also like to thank our partners - the National Park Service - and Barrick Gold for funding the project.

Volunteers Lead Wildfire Recovery Efforts

Wildfire recovery efforts are currently underway across northern Nevada. In the span of just two weekends, northern Nevada volunteers have already made a big difference for our public lands and the myriad of wildlife species that depend on them. These hard working volunteers have planted over 4,200 native seedlings, including bitterbrush and sagebrush, to regenerate wildlife habitat burned by wildfires. 

Backcountry Film Festival

Join our friends over at the Snowlands Network for an evening of backcountry adventure films! El Nino may be fizzling out but the 11th Annual Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival can help satisfy your appetite for adventure. Celebrate the fun and beauty of winter with ten unique films! 

Alternative Spring Break 2016


Want to do something different on your spring break? Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the National Park Service for a week of outdoor service and adventure in the Spirit Mountain and Bridge Canyon Wilderness Areas! Learn about our local environment, experience cultural resources, stargaze, and restore vital desert habitat all while camping on the shore of Lake Mohave.  

Graduate Students: Great Basin Writer's Residency

Graduate students/writers: Need nature to inspire you to finish your thesis? Seeking some quiet and solitude to work on your book? Our board member, Roberta Moore, has the perfect opportunity for you! They are seeking a graduate student/writer who would like to pursue their craft in a quiet, pinyon pine/juniper woodland located in the foothills of Eastern Nevada’s South Snake Range, just below Great Basin National Park, 4 miles west of the small community of Baker. This residency is two months long (July and August, 2016). We offer without charge, a one bedroom, fully furnished apartment, with privacy and beautiful scenery.

Red Rock Canyon Hosting Meeting on Wildlife Management in Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Southern Nevada District Office and Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) is seeking input regarding issues related to wildlife management activities in wilderness and wilderness study areas.

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