This week, the Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act received its first hearing before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The hearing, coupled with Senator Heller, Senator Reid, and BLM Director Neil Kornze's testimonies, mark important steps in the legislative process toward this bill becoming a reality.
Senator Heller noted in his testimony, "As you can see, this proposal in its entirety will yield major benefits not only for Pershing County, but for the American people. It is important to note that this legislation has the unanimous support of the Nevada Congressional Delegation."
Senator Reid highlighted the economic benefits that wilderness can bring to rural counties and stressed the beauty of the proposed wilderness areas in Pershing County, "Nevada is more than the bright lights of Las Vegas. It's a stunningly beautiful state and the (Pershing County) legislation is part of the beauty of Nevada. It is home of some of the oldest petroglyphs in America. It's just a stunningly beautiful place and I want everyone to know how important it is to Nevada."
Lastly, BLM Director Neil Kornze stressed the benefits for protecting wildlife and outdoor recreation in his written testimony, "These proposed additions to the National Wilderness Preservation System will protect fragile desert ecosystems and provide important habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and many other species of wildlife and plants. The proposed Mount Limbo Wilderness, for example, features a spectacular landscape of granite outcrops, basaltic flows, and alluvial fans that is perfect for backcountry exploration. These proposed wildernesses provide excellent opportunities for hiking, hunting, rock climbing, camping, and horse-packing for those who wish to experience the solitude of rugged canyons and dramatic desert vistas."
Support the Pershing County public lands bill - sign the petition here!