Pershing Bill Intro Petition

Dear Senator Heller, Senator Reid, and Congressman Amodei,

Thank you for working together in a bipartisan manner on the Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act, S.3102. I am in strong support of the bill and I applaud your efforts in working together to find a common-sense solution that will resolve wilderness study areas and checkerboard lands within Pershing County. I believe this is a strong step for economic development and to ensure the permanent protection of Pershing County's high-value public lands. I am in strong support of designating the seven proposed areas as wilderness - Grandfathers' Tobin Crest, Fencemaker, Augusta Mountains, Bluewing, Mt. Limbo, Selenite Mountains, and North Sahwave - and encourage you to keep working towards making this bill a reality. Thank you for all of your efforts on this bill that would, if passed, ensure new economic and conservation opportunities for Pershing County.  I appreciate your hard work and bipartisanship.

Thank you,

Who's signing

David Schneider
Justin van Wijk
Lars Jensen
Kevin Lyons
Casey Swenson
Jeremy Mitchell
Ashley Duval
Brett Banks
Angela Macias
larry ollivier
Mike Soszynski
Vernon Rogers
Patty Basye
John Fiske
DeAnne Willingham
Ryan Masciarelli
David Schneider
Bill Gardner
Delaney Battista
Debbie Netardus
Diane Penman
Cam Gordinier
Cherry Vercher
Pamela Nelson
John Marchese
Amanda Lattin
Tabitha Creon
Nilda Olivar
Robin Gray
jose de Arteaga
64 signatures

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