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While we were encouraged that several Nevada public lands bills were introduced and made some progress in Congress in 2024, in the end, we were disappointed that all failed to get final approval in the final days of the session. We appreciate the efforts of our delegation members who worked hard on these bills and remain committed to re-introducing them in 2025. Below are the top campaigns we'll continue to work on to protect wilderness and public lands in Nevada. We also appreciate the support of our volunteers and supporters who care about these protections and their beloved public lands. 


Monte Cristo Proposed LWC

Esmeralda/Fish Lake ACEC - Friends of Nevada Wilderness formally identified the Esmeralda/Fish Lake Area of Environmental Concern (ACEC) and submitted it to the BLM in August of 2023. It was based on years of detailed field inventory identifying lands with Wilderness character. This portion of Esmeralda County is an amazingly intact volcanic wonderland. The proposed ACEC covers 849,170 acres and comprises 508,867 acres of lands we identified as having Wilderness character and significant for their natural integrity and intactness. The remaining 337,303 acres include interconnected valleys, watersheds, important springs and aquifers, and playas that provide ecological and wildlife connectivity between that lands with wilderness character.



Wild Washoe - We are very grateful to Senator Jacky Rosen for reintroducing the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act on February 6, 2025. While the bill was voted out of a key Senate Committee in the last Congress, it failed to get final approval. We truly appreciate Senator Rosen's tenacity and commitment to this legislation. Read Senator Rosen's announcement here

The Act would protect nearly a million acres of public lands in northern Washoe County; lands valued for their dispersed recreation, wildlife habitat, dark sky and cultural values.


Pershing_Thumbnail_Take_Action.jpgPershing County - The Pershing County/Northern Nedada bill has been reintroduced numerous times over the last number of years. There has been strong support over the years for protecting the seven areas in Pershing County as Wilderness. While the bill did not clear Congress in 2024, we're hopeful that Congressman Amodei will try again in 2025. This bill will also help block up the crazy checkerboard land pattern along the railroad/I-80 corridor through Pershing County.


Douglas County - The Douglas County bill has been reintroduced numerous times over the last decade. There has been strong support over the years for protecting Burbank Canyons as Wilderness. We hope that it will get the protection it deserves in 2025.


Desert National Wildlife Refuge - The Desert National Wildlife Refuge, just outside the city lights of Las Vegas and home to one of Nevada’s largest desert bighorn sheep populations and well over a million acres of proposed wilderness has been under assault by the military. While 1.3 million acres of the refuge was proposed as Wilderness by the US Fish and Wildlife Service we are still working hard to get those areas permanently protection for future generations and to keep the military from expanding their use into these precious places. We are hoping to do this in 2025.


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