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Senator Rosen reintroduces Truckee Meadows lands bill!

February 6, 2025 - We are very grateful to Senator Jacky Rosen for reintroducing the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act today. While the bill was voted out of a key Senate Committee in the last Congress, it failed to get final approval. We truly appreciate Senator Rosen's tenacity and commitment to this legislation. Read Senator Rosen's announcement here

Friends honors amazing people who do amazing things

December 16, 2024 – Volunteers like Kevin Williams make it a little easier to convince others to travel miles out to the wilderness to donate their time cleaning campsites, fixing fence and performing other hard, hands-on tasks. That’s because he guarantees that everyone will be rewarded at the end of the day with some of the best campfire food that can be cooked up.

Washoe County lands bill advances out of Committee

November 19, 2024 – Today, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee voted to advance Senator Jacky Rosen’s (D-NV) Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act out of committee. The bill, commonly referred to as the Washoe County Lands Bill, will expand local economic and housing development opportunities, support Tribal communities, and protect public lands and outdoor recreation.

Friends Celebrates Hispanic/Latino Heritage

September 19, 2024 - Friends of Nevada Wilderness is inviting Latino families and outdoor enthusiasts to three bilingual events in Northern and Southern Nevada to celebrate Latino Conservation Week and Hispanic Heritage Month.

America’s Wilderness Act turns 60!

September 2, 2023 – Friends of Nevada Wilderness will observe the 60th anniversary of the 1964 Wilderness Act on Tuesday by buckling down after the Labor Day weekend to focus on saving even more wilderness-quality public land that is under immediate threat.

Clock ticking on Pershing County Lands bill

August 23, 2024 - Friends continues to closely monitor progress of an important piece of legislation, the Pershing County public lands bill, now on a bi-partisan track through Congress.

A priority for both Congressman Mark Amodei and Senator Jacky Rosen, the bill would create seven new Wilderness Areas in Pershing County and help resolve the more than century-old checkerboard pattern of land ownership that inhibits use of the land for both conservation and economic development purposes.

New Save Starry Skies license plate now available!

May 30, 2024 – What is believed to be the only specialty license plate in the country dedicated to preserving dark skies is now available at all Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles offices.

The license plate features an outline of a young family gazing at the stars away from city lights. The tag line, “Save Starry Skies,” is intended to raise public awareness of how the proliferation of artificial lights in our cities, towns, and even rural areas threatens our ability to see a brilliantly star-studded sky at night.

Action Needed! The BLM Public Lands Rule is Already Under Attack

April 26 2024 – The Bureau of Land Management recently released the final version of a new rule elevating conservation as a valid "use" of public lands on par with others uses, such as grazing and energy development. And while we are thrilled that this long-overdue rule has now been issued, we're not yet in full celebration mode. Some members of Congress are fast-tracking legislation to overturn the rule, believing that conservation threatens certain industries. In fact, all the rule does is to help protect lands with the highest conservation values while still allowing for uses on other public lands, such as mining, drilling, road building and energy development. This is urgent, which is why we're asking for your help.

Friends applauds critical new BLM conservation rule

April 18, 2024 – Friends of Nevada Wilderness, celebrating its 40th anniversary as a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to protecting Nevada’s public lands, is applauding the Biden Administration’s final version of a new rule elevating conservation as a valid “use” of public lands on par with others uses, such as grazing and energy development.

Friends Announces Nevada’s New Save Starry Skies License Plate

April 2, 2024  – To launch International Dark Sky Week, April 2 – 8, Friends of Nevada Wilderness today revealed Nevada’s newest specialty license plate that celebrates the state’s uniquely dark skies. Believed to be the first license plate in the country that features dark sky conservation, the Save Starry Skies plate is expected to be available to the public in May.

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