We are hiring! New positions Open!
Development and Grant Manager:
Are you goal driven and passionate and about conservation? Do you have fundraising experience? Friends of Nevada Wilderness is hiring a full-time Development and Grant Manager to help us raise and manage funds to keep Nevada wild.
Wilderness Celebration!
Just in time for the 49th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act, President Obama announces
Wilderness Month!
We're still hiring for our Wilderness Inventory Crew!
Our Inventory season has been extended! Get out and discover some of the most beautiful parts of Nevada!
Fire restrictions on the Sheldon Refuge
Due to the high fire danger in south-central Oregon and northwest Nevada, the US Fish & Wildlife Service has put fire restrictions into place beginning July 25, 2013. These restrictions apply to all lands within Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge (NAR) and Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Would you eat a bacon-wrapped cicada?
Our talented field inventory crews spend their summer collecting GPS way points, photographs, and of course stories from the back country. We are grateful to Scott Moore for sharing his story about inventorying & dining in Massacre Rim WSA here.
AmeriCorp Position with Friends of Nevada Wilderness
Looking to spend a year in wild Nevada? Becoming a Friends of Nevada Wilderness AmeriCorp Stewardship Associate is a great way to do so. The stewardship Associate will help with all aspects of our stewardship program including, assisting with volunteer stewardship events, planning our annual Wingding volunteer party, recruiting volunteers for stewardship events and so much more. Click through to see the full position description:
Wild Nevada...on a quarter!
Today our Executive Director Shaaron received a $10 roll of shiny new quarters from long time Friends of Nevada Wilderness member Roberta. No, they weren't for laundry--there is something special about these quarters.
Protecting More of the Ruby Mountain Wilderness
The 33-mile long Ruby Crest National Recreational trail, which leads through the heart of the Ruby Mountain Wilderness and its high alpine lakes, has a new extension with The Wilderness Land Trust’s purchase of the 413-acre Murphy Creek parcel. Friends of Nevada Wilderness helped to make this possible through individual contributions toward the purchase, and boy are we excited to share!
A day in the life of a field inventory crew member
For the solstice week of June 17th, the FNW wilderness inventory crew evaluated wilderness characteristics in the Wall Canyon WSA complex...and they brought back some starlight.
Gold Butte Introduced in the House
Click here to read the Press Release.