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Pine Forest Range Wilderness Clears Committee

The Pine Forest Range Wilderness is one step closer to being a reality, after clearing the US Senate’s Energy and Natural Resource Committee.

Call for photos 2014 Wild Nevada Calendar

Calling all photographers. Submit your best Nevada landscape and wildlife shots to the 2014 Wild Nevada calendar.

Want to get paid for backpacking and digging in the dirt?

Spread the word!  We're still hiring for Trail Crew Members to work on Forest Service-managed lands around Austin/Tonopah and Winnemucca.

Planting after Fires

Volunteers have planted over 6,000 bitterbrush and sagebrush seedlings in 4 weekends in an area of the Santa Rosa Range that was affected by the 2012 Hanson Fire.

North, South and places in between

What's possible in one weekend?  A LOT, thanks to our incredible volunteers.  This past weekend Friends of Nevada Wilderness volunteers were out on the ground in the North, the South, and places in between.

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day, everyone!  For Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Earth Day is a day for ACTIVISTS!  We are roaming the state with clipboards and petitions.  So, where are all of our Friends of Nevada Wilderness today?  Let us count the places...

Farewell Nevada Wilderness Project!

After more than a decade of service to Nevada's wildlands, the Nevada Wilderness Project closed its doors earlier this year.  Founded in 1999, NWP brought mapping and campaign energy to wilderness protection in Nevada.

Thank You Capital One Volunteers

Volunteers from Capital One bank rocked restoration in Lovell Canyon today!  Located 25 miles west of Las Vegas at the southern tip of the Spring Mountains Range, Lovell Canyon is a little known gem in Southern Nevada.

Alternative Spring Break 2013

Instead of lying on a tropical beach during Spring Break, 14 University of Nevada, Reno, spent an Alternative Spring Break (ASB) at the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. And instead of dancing with drinks in their hands, they gave their time and energy to restore wildlife habitat with Friends of Nevada Wilderness, the US Fish & Wildlife Service, the Great Basin Institute, REI, and Backcountry Horsemen.

25th annual Pinecone Ball — March 28th — Don't miss it!

The Golden Pinecone Awards (a greenUP! event) celebrates the good work of citizens, agencies, non-profits and businesses to preserve and enhance the wonderful environment of Northern Nevada. Support greenUP! and the work of other environmental groups by purchasing your ticket to the Pinecone Ball today.

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