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The Blue Eagle Wilderness complex has no established trails. The entire region is open for skilled explorers to enjoy on foot or on horseback. The eastern part of the area provides access through rolling hills of pinyon and juniper woodlands. Where mountain mahgony grow thick, passage becomes very challenging and difficult. The western part of the Wilderness features deeply dissected canyons where explorers are likely to encounter dry waterfalls and can become "cliffed-out." The summit of Blue Eagle Mountain is really only accessible from the east. The western rampart of the mountain drops off in sudden cliff walls that are extremely steep and dangerous. John Hart in his book Hiking the Great Basin describes several access routes to the summit. More than any most other wild areas in Nevada, the difficult terrain of Blue Eagle Mountain demands respect and exceptional backcountry navigtion and route finding skills from explorers. Plan ahead and take enough water for the duration of your trip, as springs and water sources are not dependable in this porous limestone country.