Current Protection
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management
2023 National Defense and Authorization Act (December 23, 2022)
Total Area
128,362 Acres
The Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness is rugged and mountainous. Elevations range from 3,600 feet in Dixie Valley up to the central ridge of the range, which rises to nearly 10,000 feet and includes Mount Augusta (9,974 ft), Healy Peak (8,845 ft), and Shaley Peak (8,812 ft). It holds 20 named winding, deeply dissected canyons and dozens more unnamed canyons. Deep Canyon is noted for its huge rock formations, spires and hoodoos. Elevations range from 3,600 feet in Dixie Valley up to 9,966 feet at the summit of Mt. Augusta. The Wilderness measures 30 miles long by 15 miles wide.

Agency Information
Managing Agency: US Forest Service Bureau of Land Management
Local District: Carson City Field Office
Address: 5665 Morgan Mill Road Carson City, NV89701
Phone: (775) 885-6000
See the Additional Resources Tab for more information about the Conservation History of the Clan Alpine Mountains.

The Clan Alpine Mountains are the traditional homeland of the Nuumu and Newe people, who have been living on and with these lands for countless generations.
In 1980, the 196,128-acre Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness Study Area (WSA) was identified by the Nevada BLM Wilderness Inventory Process. On December 23, 2022, the Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness permanently protected and preserved the wild character and natural and cultural resources of 128,362 acres of the former WSA. An additional 28,000 acres of the former WSA will be managed to protect natural and cultural resources as part of the Numu Newe Special Management Area. Friends of Nevada Wilderness (FNW) has been actively advocating for conservation protections of the Clan Alpine Mountains since the 1980s. FNW's commitment to stewardship for this Wilderness includes working with partner organizations to provide natural, wilderness character, and dark sky monitoring along with various mapping and restoration projects in the Wilderness, as needed.