Join our Volunteer Trail Crew!
This summer, we need your help to maintain trails in Central Nevada! Maintaining trails keeps access to our Wilderness areas safe and open while minimizing damage to the natural ecosystem. While we are out there, we'll clip back the overgrown brush, saw an opening in any fallen trees, direct water off the trail, and practice sustainable tread repair techniques to get our trails back up to standards. Friends of Nevada Wilderness will provide all of the training, safety equipment, and trail maintenance tools needed to get the job done. To find out more about our professional trails program, click here.
This volunteer event will take place in the beautiful Table Mountain Wilderness! The Table Mountain Wilderness is a gem of central Nevada's mountain ranges and one of the few flat-topped ranges in the Great Basin. These high rolling plateaus contain some of the most extensive aspen stands in the state. Among these forests are open grasslands that offer spectacular views of much of central Nevada and is home to herds of elk, deer, bighorn sheep, sage grouse, and Lahontan cutthroat trout.
Volunteer trail maintenance is hard work, but it is also very rewarding and lots of fun. You will leave these projects with a sense of accomplishment, some new skills, and hopefully some new friends! So please, read the info below and RSVP today!
Difficulty: These projects are some of the most strenuous we offer and may not be appropriate for everyone. They require the ability to hike 5 miles a day with a heavy pack, work with tools, and sometimes move heavy objects. Having said that, feel free to reach out to us and discuss the difficulty of the project if you have any concerns. There are many roles in trail maintenance and we can usually find ones appropriate to meet many levels.
Dates: Friday, July 15- Monday, July 18
Travel: We will be leaving by noon on Friday in order to drive to the trailhead and set up camp We will be working on the trail on Saturday and Sunday and driving back to Reno on Monday. High Clearance and 4x4 are required to reach the campsite. There are a limited number of spots available in Friends trucks. It would be great if you could stay the whole time, but we understand if your schedule does not allow this and we would love to see you out there for any amount of time you can offer!
Gear/Clothing: Work clothes: Long sleeve shirt, long pants, sturdy work or hiking boots. Camping equipment: tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad. We have plenty of camping gear available for loan if needed.
Food: Friends of Nevada Wilderness will provide delicious group dinners on Saturday and Sunday and breakfast with coffee on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday! Volunteers will be required to provide their own dinner on Friday night and lunch/snacks on Saturday and Sunday.
More Details: In-depth information such as camping location, weather, and project specifics will be sent to those who RSVP about 1 week before the project.
RSVP is required to participate
Suggested Packing List