Wilderness Area Status
Designated Wilderness Area Year Designated: 1989
Act or Law: Nevada Wilderness Protection Act of 1989 Acres: 92600 State Region: West Central Nevada County Regions: Nye
Managing Agency: Forest Service Local District: Austin-Tonopah Ranger District Contact Info: (775) 964-2671 PO Box 130 Austin, NV89310 Visit the website (will open a new window)
Area Description
Table Mountain is located in the central portion of the Monitor Range approximately 60 miles northeast of Tonopah, Nevada.
Topography It is characte rized by a unique high plateau or table land. It is one of the few flat-topped ranges in the Great Basin. These high rolling plateaus contain some of the most extensive aspen stands in the state. Among these forests are open grasslands that offer spectacular views of much of central Nevada. This rolling semi-forested country with easily accessible water, including trout streams, is ideal for hiking and riding.
Wildlife This area is the summer home of the Monitor elk herd, which was introduced in 1979 and has grown to be one of the state's most popular and larger herds. This area also supports one of the most productive mule deer herds in the state. Sage grouse are plentiful. Five streams provide popular fisheries. Lahonton cutthroat trout occur in Mosquito Creek.
History Some of the state's most expansive stands of aspen occur over much of the mountain, creating an environment unique to central Nevada. Historic aspen art can be seen in a grove at the crest of Waterfall Canyon. Well-preserved Basque sheepherder carvings with dates of 1907 and 1911 remain at what locals have labeled Pornographic Grove.
Access The area is reached by improved dirt roads on the north and south and by several roads along the east. Major access points include Barley Creek Trail on the south, Willow Creek, Green Monster Canyon, and Clear Creek on the east, Morgan Basin on the north, and Mosquito Creek on the west.
Wildlife: Pygmy Short-horned Lizard, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper