Like her sister the East Humboldt Wilderness, the Ruby Mountains Wilderness is a premier Nevada public land treasure that is nearly completely surrounded by private land. This makes access to this superbly trailed Wilderness somewhat problematic. Please see the Ruby Crest National Recreation Trail Map for more details on accessing the multitude of trails within this Wilderness.
Lamoille Canyon provides access to Right Fork Lamoille Creek Trail, Thomas Creek Trail, and to the north end of the Ruby Crest National Recreation Trail.
Soldier Basin Trailhead (USFS Route 335) provides access to Soldier Basin from the west side of the range.
Krenka Creek Trailhead (USFS Route 041) and Ruby Guard Trailhead (USFS Route 108) provide access to Soldier Basin from the remote east side of the range.
Colonel Moore Trailhead (USFS Route 503), on the east side of the range, provides access to the Lake Peak portion to the Ruby Crest Trail. (This is a very steep trail that is not maintained regularly.)
Overland Lake Trailhead (USFS Route 828), on the east side of the range, provides access to the Overland Lake portion to the Ruby Crest Trail.
Green Mountain Trailhead (reached from Harrison Pass via USFS Route 828), provides access to the southern terminus of the Ruby Crest National Recreation Trail and the southern portion of the Ruby Mountains Wilderness.