November 21, 2018 - The military wants to shut you out of more than 420,000 acres of valuable public land YOU own in order to expand the Fallon Naval Air Station bombing range across six counties in Nevada.
The Navy’s Fallon Range Training Complex is seeking to withdraw and reserve for military use approximately 604,789 (424,000 acres with no public access and the remainder with some access). This will be nearly 1,000 square miles, in addition to the 203,000 acres they already control. Click "Read more" to view an awesome video of what's at stake and to read up on how you can take action.
The military’s preferred alternative would:
- Eliminate 74,400 acres of Wilderness Study Areas in parts of the Clan Alpine Mountain, Job Peak and Stillwater Range WSAs.
- Eliminate nearly 31,000 acres of Lands with Wilderness Character (Stilllwater additions and South Job Peak)
- Eliminate public access to 18% (or 3,200 acres of the Fallon National Wildlife Refuge and to an extensive amount of land from the refuge north into Pershing County.
- Eliminate all recreation use on 424,000 acres of public land with the exception of some limited big game hunting and licensed OHV races.
Check out this compelling video, then go to our Campaigns page for more details, maps, and to learn how you can Take Action!