Friends' Funding Priorities


Your donation will make an impact on Nevada's wild places and wildlife, protecting our wild heritage for future generations.

Thank you for your interest in Friends of Nevada Wilderness and our commitment to Nevada’s wild heritage. Here are some ways you can protect Nevada’s wild landscapes and wildlife with a grant of $1,000 to $10,000:

Heal damaged wild places

Friends of Nevada Wilderness’ volunteers work on the ground to improve wildlife habitat, remove graffiti, trash and invasive plant infestations. Volunteers also erase illegal off-highway vehicle routes, maintain hiking trails, and do other work to improve wild places in Nevada. To ensure money is not a barrier to volunteers, there is no cost to participate in any of the Friends of Nevada Wilderness volunteer events and projects. Tents, sleeping bags and other gear are also available for those who need it. Friends of Nevada Wilderness welcomes all volunteers and works to make projects fun, inclusive and a learning opportunity. To help defray costs and encourage diverse volunteers your gifts can help with the following:

  • pull out miles of no longer needed barbed-wire fence in Nevada’s wild places to make the range safer for the antelope, sage-grouse and hikers
  • remove invasive weeds that compete with native plants and choke out native foods for wildlife
  • maintain miles of wilderness trails — keeping them open for hiking, hunting, fishing, and horseback riding
  • erase illegal vehicle scars in order to protect wildlife habitat, healthy plant communities and beautiful views
  • remove thousands of pounds of trash and litter from the wildlands

Your gift to support Friends’ volunteer projects will result in direct improvements on the ground, as well as volunteers who are more connected to Nevada’s natural heritage and to the rewards of volunteerism.

Inform and Empower Citizens

Friends of Nevada Wilderness strives to assure that our collective wild lands are properly cared for by building an active, committed and diverse community of people from all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, and political parties.

Your gift to Friends of Nevada Wilderness will help us reach out to people who care about their wild heritage and wildlife — on websites and blogs, in print and digital newsletters, on Facebook, Twitter, video, as well as in person.

Your gift will help us tell powerful stories about Nevada’s wild places and our committed volunteers, and give them the knowledge and tools they need to protect Wild Nevada. Here are some of the results your gift will make possible:

  • Compelling presentations to classrooms and service clubs
  • An informative and entertaining presence on Facebook, YouTube and other new media
  • Improvements to Friends’ website
  • Engaging electronic newsletters to tell our stories without wasting trees or costly postage
  • Inspiring brochures and newsletters to share at public events

Help us tell the stories that will protect Nevada’s essential wild heritage.

Increase our capacity to serve

Friends of Nevada Wilderness maintains offices in Reno and Las Vegas and getting volunteers out safely to wild places requires safe, capable vehicles. So many of the volunteers do not have 4-wheel drive or high clearance vehicles. Gifts would be deeply appreciated to help with volunteer transportation including:

  • Four-wheel drive vehicles, and support for gas, insurance, tires and repairs — to enable us to get our volunteers out to the places that need attention and care

Your donation will make Friends more powerful and efficient in our work to conserve the health of wildlands across Nevada.

Call Shaaron Netherton, Friends’ Executive Director, at (775) 750-6119, to talk with her about these exciting opportunities to protect Nevada’s wild treasures.

To make a grant from your Community Foundation Donor Advised Fund, call the Foundation Stewardship Team at (775) 333-5499 or go to

Learn more about the impacts your donations make on the ground, where it matters most.

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