Current Protection
Wilderness Study Area
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management/ US Forest Service
Year Protected
Total Area
40,940 Acres
Fandango Wilderness Study Area is part of a spectacular wilderness complex. In 1975, the entirety of the future Fandango area was include as part of the Hot Creek Range and Valley Natural Landmark Inventory compiled for the National Park Service. Elevation ranges from 5,760 feet in Little Fish Lake Valley to 9,825 feet on top of Mahogany Peak. Views from the rambling summits are breathtaking; topography is varied and rugged throughout much area. Lush riparian vegetation fills the numerous canyons and draws. Brilliant fall colors fill the canyons creating veins of gold contrasting with the dark green foliage of the evergreen canopy. The perennial creeks support brook trout and carpets of wild flowers in the spring and early summer. This is a wonderful place for hiking and backpacking where visitors will enjoy watching wildlife and discovering hidden pictographs and petroglyphs. Opportunities for viewing raptors and other birds are quite good in Sixmile Canyon. Vegetative diversity is a prime factor behind scenic values of Fandango. Eye catching rock outcroppings and steep peaks dominate the scenery and the large number of flowering species creates an excellent opportunity for spring wildflower observation.

Agency Information
Managing Agency: US Forest Service
Local District: Austin-Tonopah Ranger District
Address: PO Box 130 Austin, NV 89310
Phone: (775) 964-2671

The Fandango Region is part of the traditional homelands and lifeways of the Newe (Western Shoshone) people.
The 1980 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wilderness Inventory identified 40,940 acres for the Fandango Wilderness Study Area (WSA). Today, although the US Forest Service manages the entire WSA, technically 40,410 acres of the WSA lies within the jurisdiction of Forest Service while 530 acres of the WSA lie within lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Friends of Nevada Wilderness (FNW) has been actively advocating for conservation protections of Fandango since the 1970s. FNW's commitment to stewardship for Fandango includes natural, wilderness character, and dark sky monitoring along with various mapping projects in the region.