Desert Wildlife Refuge Hearing at the Nevada Legislature - Senate
We need you to show up and show your support for the Desert National Wildlife Refuge and Senate Joint Resolution 3, which urges our Congressional delegation to OPPOSE the military takeover of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. There are two options available for those who wish to support in Northern and Southern Nevada!
There are two opportunities to show up at the Nevada Legislature and show your support for the Desert Refuge and Nevada's wildlife: March 5 (Senate) and March 6 (Assembly), both at 4 pm. Show up and sign in and register your support!
Northern Nevada
Join northern Nevada supporters, board and staff on Tuesday, March 5 at 4pm in room 2144 of the Nevada Legislative Building at 401 S. Carson St. in Carson City. Stay tuned for meet up points and additional information.
Southern Nevada
Join southern Nevada staff, board and supporters Tuesday, March 5 at 4pm at the Grant Sawyer Building at 555 E. Washington Ave. We will be able to tele-attend the Tuesday session via a video conference of the Carson City hearing. Stay tuned for meet up points and additional information.
The Desert Refuge is the largest wildlife refuge in the lower 48 states, exhibiting a stunning diversity of plant and animal life and includes some of the highest value bighorn sheep habitat in the country. We must speak in a loud voice to get the bi-partisan support needed to get the resolution passed, and help convince Congress and our federal delegation that Nevada values our wildlife, our unique desert environment, and open access to our public lands. We want to pack these hearing rooms, so please join us if you possibly can. We need your help to stop this destructive military takeover and save the Desert National Wildlife Refuge and public access!
Our elected officials are on a time constraint and will not be able to hear everyone's comment. We urge you to send in a personal comment using the state legislature's website.
Submit your comment online:
Type in SJR3, then select “In Favor” and you can also add additional comments and your personal information.
For more information on the ongoing campaign to Save The Desert National Wildlife Refuge, click here.
401 S Carson St
Carson City, NV 89701-4747
United States
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