Keep Public Lands in Public Hands

Dear Nevada State Legislator:

As a proud owner of America’s Public Lands in Nevada, I strongly support keeping our public lands in public hands.

  • Please vote YES on SB 413 that would establish a “Public Lands Day” to honor and celebrate public lands in Nevada.
  • Please vote YES on AB 449 that would establish a "Public Lands Day" to honor and celebrate public lands in Nevada.
  • Please vote YES on SJR 12 that recognizes the importance of America’s Public Lands in Nevada and why they are so vital to our quality of life in the Silver State.
  • Please vote YES on AJR 13 that recognizes the importance of our national monuments like Gold Butte.
  • Please vote NO on SJR 7 that would seize America’s public lands and place the cost and management burden on the State of Nevada. Public lands belong to all Americans and all Americans should support their management.
  • Please vote NO on SJR15 that seeks to dismantle the use of the Antiquities Act in Nevada, a useful conservation tool that has protected amazing landscapes like Gold Butte. 
  • Please vote NO on AJR 12 that would ask Congress to get rid of the popular and spectacular Gold Butte National Monument.

Who's signing

Noah Youngelson
Nik Avritt
Meghan Wolf
Jose Witt
Dan Alvey
Karen Wathen
Connie Howard
Miriam Smith
Jeff Lock
Angela Harelik
JoAnne Peden
Michael Sprinkle
Jeffrey Schmitt
Rudolph Johnson
Minas Mkhitarian
Kathryn Rogers
Susan McPartland
Gina Via
Don Hataway
Mickey Sprott
Kim Palmer
Clarence McCarthy
Robin Hardin
Gretchen Westhoff
Kathleen Lauckner
John Marchese
Mark Norris
judy Larquier
185 signatures

Will you sign?

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