Desert Tortoises: From Captive Care to Wild Conservation
Tortoise Group has been operating in Southern Nevada for over 35 years, working to educate and advocate for the protection and well-being of the desert tortoise. From habitat and burrow construction and design to diet, there are many things that make a desert tortoise unique. Tortoise Group also works to conserve wild desert tortoises by partnering with a variety of agencies on different projects. Come learn about our state reptile, how to adopt and the reason why we have to keep captive tortoises captive, and wild tortoises wild!
We will see you there!
Every first Thursday of the month, Friends of Nevada Wilderness hosts a local environmental expert at REI Boca Park in their Community Room. This is a great event for folks who are interested in the outdoors to learn more about hikes, local habitat, and ways to get involved with conservation efforts. Doors open at 6:45 giving you enough time to socialize and grab a snack before the presentation begins at 7 pm.
Please join us at REI Boca Park every first Thursday for a new speaker every month!