Wild Nevada Calendar Behind the Scenes
Join Friends for our May Wild Speaker Series: "Wild Nevada Calendar Behind the Scenes" on a Zoom call!
We are opening up our submissions for the highly coveted Wild Nevada 2023 calendar! Have you ever wondered how to get one of your photos into our calendar? Wonder no more! We will be joined by our own Kurt Kuznicki and some special photography guests as they delve into how to take beautiful landscape photos - and what makes a photo special and unique enough to be chosen for our calendar!
We'll wrap up with a Q&A session to answer all your questions! This will be an informative chat for the whole family!
We will be giving away a free Stanley cup item to one lucky attendee that night! Make sure to tune in for a chance to win!
If you are interested in attending, please register in advance at the Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkcO-sqTgrG9f7z2qjlbytWXUa6Yu69EIl
Every first Thursday of the month at 7pm, Friends of Nevada Wilderness hosts a local environmental expert for folks who are interested in the outdoors to learn more about hikes, local habitat, and ways to get involved with conservation efforts.