New Atlases For Nevada
Join us as we welcome Dr. David Charlet, Professor of Biology, College of Southern Nevada, as our April speaker. April showers send the desert into full bloom mode with color and presentation not visible throughout the year. Dr. Charlet will discuss the trees of our Mojave desert. Nevada, despite being the driest state in the country, has diverse ecosystems that include 59 species of native flowering trees (cottonwoods, willows, oaks, maples, aspen, birch, Joshua trees etc.). He has authored books on his findings titled “Atlas of Nevada Conifers (2nd edition)” and “Atlas of Nevada Mountain Vegetation.” Dr. Charlet will talk about some of our conifers, of which we have 24 native species (3rd most of any state in the nation!) as well as other native trees, some of which are newly discovered!
Dr. David Charlet is a Professor of Biology at the College of Southern Nevada. His research concerns the natural history of arid regions with a focus on the Great Basin and Mojave Desert, a region that includes most of Nevada and some of each of the surrounding states. The majority of his research involves how plants are distributed across landscapes and regions. This will be an educational lecture you won't want to miss.
We will see you there!
Every first Thursday of the month, Friends of Nevada Wilderness hosts a local environmental expert at REI Boca Park in their Community Room. Doors open at 6:45 giving you enough time to socialize and grab a snack before the presentation begins at 7 pm.
Please join us at REI Boca Park every first Thursday for a new speaker every month!