Christy Smith is the Project Leader for the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex which includes 4 Wildlife Refuges in Southern Nevada. She'll give us a quick introduction to each of them with a special focus on the Desert National Wildlife Refuge just North of town. Friends of Nevada Wilderness will discuss some of the threats the Desert Refuge has faced recently, the current decision making process underway that will effect its future management and what the public can do to have a say. You wont want to miss it!
We'll see you there!
Friends of Nevada Wilderness is hosting a monthly meeting the first Thursday of every month and we're calling it our Wild Speaker Series! This is a great way for folks who are interested in conservation to learn about current issues. Arrive at 6:45 to socialize and snack before the presentation at 7 pm. Please join us at REI Boca Park every first Thursday for a new speaker every month!