We know how frustrating it is to not be able to connect with your favorite Wilderness area or public lands right now. In uncertain times, we remain hopeful and look to our friends for support. Visit our website for online resources to get your virtual connection with nature and learn more about Wilderness and conservation.
While we have halted our stewardship projects and outreach events, we will still diligently service our supporters through email, calls, texts and online resources. Tune into our social media channels on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We also have a Flickr account with thousands of pictures from service projects and events dating back to 2014! Below, you will find an assortment of videos and links to binge while your social distancing and self isolating for the sake of slowing down the Covid-19 Pandemic. Take care of yourselves and your families. We will be here for you as we continue to Keep Nevada Wild.
Nevada Wilderness Educational Resources
https://www.nevadawilderness.org/explore (Explore the Friends of Nevada Wilderness website)
https://www.nevadawilderness.org/kids_corner (Our Wilderness Kids Resource Center)
Virtual Hikes & Nature Sounds
https://soundsandspaces.net (The nature recordings of Fred Bell)
Educational Resources
https://wilderness.net/courses (Online courses for public lands)
https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/kids/coloring (Wildflower Coloring Pages)
https://rangerrick.org (All resources are FREE at this time)
Rockie The Owl (Rockie's Sagebrush Adventures - Cartoon eBook)
REI Blog (Ideas For Keeping Kids Active During Social Distancing- 3/17/2020)
Backpacker Magazine (A Hiker’s Guide to Not Hiking 4/8/2020)