What’s New in The Stew? - Friends of Nevada Wilderness 2020 Stewardship Update
Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness for an update on our stewardship program during the 2020 pandemic. When volunteer events were canceled, our Stew Crew got innovative to get the job done in Wild Nevada. Learn about our response to Covid, upcoming volunteer events, and more.
Our northern and southern Nevada stewardship team is tasked with leading dozens of projects each year to ensure wilderness areas and other wild lands receive the recommended attention according to the four land management agencies we partner with. In March 2020, when Governor Sisolak issued stay at home orders, volunteer projects were put on hold and our team began a new strategic plan. During our webinar, the stewardship team will give us details of what projects they completed and how their first events with volunteers using social distancing were a huge success. We will also hear from our Springs Stewardship team who began their five-year project this year and will look to you, our volunteers, for assistance in 2021. This will be an informative webinar for wilderness supporters and those wishing to volunteer on public lands. Register today!
Topic: What’s New in The Stew? - Friends of Nevada Wilderness 2020 Stewardship Update
Time: Dec 10, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time
Cost: FREE!
Register in advance for this webinar: