UNR Wilderness Presentation



 We'll be at the University of Nevada - Reno bringing wilderness to the students! We have a great line-up of presenters and short films that will be shown throughout the day. 

12:30-1pm: Mark Vollmer will present on "The Inspiration of Wilderness for Photography"

1:15-1:45: Mike Rowan, retired U.S. Forest Service Wilderness Program Manager will present on the Ten Essentials and Safety in Wilderness.

Then later on in the evening, 

6:15-6:45 Brian Beffort from GBI will present on "Training an Army to Care for the Wild"

7:15-7:45 Kurt Kuznicki will present on "Nevada Wilderness in Images"

Short films will be shown throughout the day!

Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be available.

November 04, 2014 at 12:00pm - 8pm
Mathewson Knowledge Center, Rotunda Room 1664 N. Virginia Street MS 322, Reno
Shevawn Von Tobel · · 775-324-7667

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