Stewardship Isn't Cancelled!

This summer, our staff, Americorps, and trail crew have been hard at work Keeping Nevada Wild. We have limited our contact with the public, including volunteers, to ensure that we keep our programs safe and servicing Nevada's public lands. 

Last week our Northern Nevada Stewardship crew headed out into the field in search of native plants ready for seed collection. Sounds simple enough, right? This effort is part of the Seeds of Success program, an interagency endeavor across the Great Basin intended to collect specific native seeds from target locations to be used in restoration and research. While it may sound like a breeze wandering around the desert looking for seeds, it's actually pretty rare to come across a target population, in the correct zone, that is actually ready to collect! Luckily, this is an ongoing effort and every little bit helps. Hopefully, when future wildfires burn through Nevada, we will be able to use locally-adapted seed collected by Friends of Nevada Wilderness staff and volunteers to aid in the restoration efforts.  

In southern Nevada, our Stew Crew has been high on Mt. Charleston working on the Griffith Peak trail. They are currently on their third hitch this summer. Each hitch, they spend at least four days working and camping at 10,000 feet. Currently, we are not sure if we will complete the trail this season. But we are definitely getting close. 🤞Our last time out, the crew removed 9 trees on the Griffith Peak Trail, as well as improved, brushed, and maintained portions of South Loop Trail on their hike up to basecamp. They will be heading back up this weekend for more crosscut saw fun. Wish them safe travels!


The S-4 fire is burning along the northern part of the Massacre Rim Dark Sky Sanctuary and into the edge of the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in northern Washoe County. These lands are extremely high value for WIlderness, sage-grouse and cultural resources. Our Sheldon Resource Crew has been moved to the east side of the refuge to ensure their safety. The fire started from lightning on July 27 and is about 1,850 acres.  

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