Help us collect native seeds to be used in restoration efforts! Seeds of Success (SOS) is a native seed collection program, led by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in partnership with numerous federal agencies and non-federal organizations. The mission is to increase the quality and quantity of native plant materials available for restoring and supporting native ecosystems.
The species being collected are recognized by ecologists as the foundation of healthy Great Basin plant communities. If enough native seeds are collected, they can be used in large-scale restoration efforts to increase resilience against invasive species and slow wildfire cycles that imperil our sagebrush ecosystems. Currently, the commercially available seeds are sourced from outside the Great Basin in areas that have different microclimates than Nevada. Although they're technically the same species, these seeds have a lower probability of taking hold in Nevada than seeds collected from our area. Locally-adapted seed has a much better chance of surviving because it’s from the exact elevation, climate, and precipitation zones from which it’s going back into the ground. That is why these seed collection efforts are so important. We are really excited to offer this volunteer opportunity and be a part of this program. RSVP before spots fill up!
The location of this project will be announced in the week leading up to the project date, so some flexibility will be required. Seed scouting teams will be working throughout northwest Nevada and will let us know which populations are ready to collect in the week leading up to this project. We will be working on Saturday and possibly Sunday morning. FNW will provide gloves, tools, and some food: breakfasts Saturday and Sunday and dinner Saturday night. We have plenty of camping gear if you need to borrow anything. At this time, we are not providing rides in our vehicles. Most likely, a higher clearance, 4-wheel drive vehicle will be necessary.
RSVP required to participate
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate. It may not be appropriate for everyone. Requires the ability to hike 2-4 miles a day with a backpack, repetitive bending over, and work in warm, sunny weather. Feel free to reach out to us and discuss the difficulty of the project if you have any concerns.
Food: For this project, yes! we will be offering some group meals. We are planning to do a big group dinner on Saturday night along with breakfasts and coffee. Volunteers are expected to provide their own lunches, snacks, and dinner Friday night.
Driving: At this time, FNW is not offering rides in our vehicles due to COVID safety concerns. For this project, a 4-wheel drive vehicle may be required to reach the campsite and work areas. More details will be provided closer to the project date
Specific Details: Details such as exact camping location, daily schedule, and weather-related factors will be provided to those who have RSVP'd on a date much closer to the project. Plans are subject to change. We will always give as much notice as possible when this happens.
Contact Info: Please email or call Chris Cutshaw with any questions or for further details. He can be reached at [email protected] and our office phone number: 775-324-7667.
For a recommended packing list, click here.
In addition to our normal safety procedures, we are asking volunteers to follow our Covid-19 safety guidelines that can be found here.