This Tuesday, June 24th, the Washoe County commissioners will be considering a resolution to support protecting sage-grouse and wilderness in Washoe County. We want the commissioners to support a homegrown, Nevada solution from Senators Reid and Heller that will protect some important sage grouse habitat as wilderness and help protect Nevada's way of life. This is a critical moment for the sage-grouse legislation and we need your help!
We need a big turn-out at this meeting to show the commissioners that people in their districts care strongly about this issue and want more wilderness areas in Washoe County. Please consider attending this critical meeting:
Tuesday, June 24th 10am
Washoe County Office
1001 E. 9th Street, Building A
Reno, NV 89512
Please e-mail Shevawn to let us know if you will be able to attend: [email protected].
The meeting will begin at 10am and the vote is early on the agenda. Please arrive by 10am and expect to be there no later than 11ish