Protect Wilderness, Wildlife, and the Nevada Way of Life

Dear Senator Heller and Senator Reid,

With sage-grouse populations in decline, we need a lasting solution that will preserve essential sage-grouse habitat, develop a habitat restoration fund to help ensure the long-term survival of the species, and secure safeguards for a significant number of new wilderness areas in Nevada. Protecting sage-grouse habitat means conserving key lands for many of Nevada’s other iconic wildlife. Permanently protecting critical portions of their habitat as wilderness areas is an important piece of the overall effort to benefit sage-grouse, improve the state’s economy, and ensure the long-term survival of the sage-grouse.

I support your proposal to protect sage-grouse habitat by designating new wilderness areas, while providing funding for habitat restoration. If the sage-grouse is officially listed as threatened, it will start a cascade of events that could forever change the way Nevadans use their public lands.

Thank you for your bold leadership and for working to protect Nevada’s wild lands and our way of life.

Who's signing

Sasha Ilic
Paul Kasperek
Thomas Ratcliffe
Howard Booth
Monica Quinones
Beth Schneir
Judith Lainez
Leah Madison
Ann Kuhn
Dylan Kuhn
Randy McNatt
Gregory Gantt
Gerald Vertrees
Barbara Gerhardt
Frank Stieber
Terry Frewin
Marc Reynolds
Marija Minić
Jill Ransom
Nancy Santos
Sandra Carroll
Daniel Mager
Liz LaRue
William Richards
Barbara Biggs
Reed Hamilton
Terri Robertson
Jodi Adair
William Huggins
Alan Carlton
47 signatures

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