Inventoried Land with Wilderness Character (LWC) in the Battle Mountain BLM District
Current LWC Status: Proposed
Acres: 49,035
State Region: West Central
County: Esmeralda
Managing Agency:
Bureau of Land Management
Battle Mountain District Office
50 Bastian Rd. Battle Mountain, NV 89820
(775) 635-4000
Battle Mountain District BLM Website
Area Description:
This unit comprises an incredible diversity of landscape, from the broad alluvial plains on the western and eastern margins, to the rugged and colorful desert hills in the north, to the pinion/juniper woodlands in that higher elevations in the south. Elevations range from 4800 feet in the Fish Lake Valley to over 8500 feet atop Rhyolite Ridge. The plant community of this unit is equally diverse with greasewood and low saltbush vegetation on the lower alluvial fans to low sage brush communities in the mid-elevations levels, to mojave cactus including prickle pear and chollas, to cliffrose and big brush sage and grassland communities of the highest elevations. Several springs can be found within the unit and provide vital water for wildlife. This unit hosts larger animals such as mule deer and big horn sheep. Raptors are plentiful as are rodents and other prey species.
The vast spaces, varied topography, and areas of dense woodland vegetation provide many outstanding opportunities for solitude throughout this unit. The high rolling terrain in the core is comprised of numerous convoluted canyons and ridges offering nearly unlimited opportunities to find secluded spots. The steep canyons on the east side of the unit rise quickly to nearly 2000 feet, multiplying the opportunities of solitude by the presence of steep vertical relief. The alluvial plains on the east and west side of the unit are vast and offer outstanding opportunities for solitude in the sheer scale of the landscape. Scattered throughout this alluvial landscape are badland formations with opportunities to find ever more isolated secluded formations in the incised-dendritic drainages and hoodoo formations. This is truly a remote and isolated place where outstanding opportunities for solitude abound.
This area is not easy to explore, however, nearly every inch of this unit is accessible to the visitor with the determination and skills to traverse trackless wilderness. Birds and wildlife are present as well, providing opportunities for viewing and excellent hunting for skilled backcountry hunters. Mule deer, bighorn sheep, and chukar are some of the animals available for game. The area offers outstanding desert hiking and exploration opportunities, including excellent rock scrambling, route finding, and peak bagging. The colorful formations throughout the unit combined with badlands formation and cactus plains of the lower elevations create outstanding opportunities for photography, painting and sketching. This area presents spectacular outstanding vistas at every turn. The nearly 4000 feet of vertical relief creates a rich and outstanding vegetative diversity for nature study. The area is rich in archaeological resources for visitors to explore and investigate.
The wildness, remoteness, and natural integrity of this unit provide unparalleled opportunities for studies in natural history, geology, and ecology. This area is also rich in archeological resources. This unit sits astride the transition zone between the high deserts and the lower Mojave environment, making this unit a crucial laboratory for studying the effects of climate change.