Photo by Scott Smith.
Poodle Mountain (6958') Day Hike (exploratory). Poodle Mountain is the high point of the Poodle Mountain Wilderness Study Area directly north of the Smoke Creek Desert and it should give us great views of the playa to the south and the Granite Range to the east. We might even be able to see Lassen and/or Shasta to the west. Our hike, depending on how far we can drive, will be about 5-6 mi RT with about 1000' of elevation gain. From Reno, the drive to the trailhead will be over 3 hours each way which will mean an early start. This WSA part of our Wild Washoe Wilderness Campaign. We'll learn about the current status and what we can do to help out. Please contact leader for further details. ND. Leader: Larry Dwyer (775-745-6628; [email protected]). Moderately Strenuous.