The Pershing County Commission voted unanimously in support of a draft version of Senator Reid and Senator Heller's Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act. The vote followed a series of town hall meetings in Lovelock which initiated an open dialogue between various stakeholders throughout the County including wilderness advocates, ranchers, miners, and sportsmen and women. With the strong support of the Commissioners and a diverse group of stakeholders who came out to support the proposal, we expect the Act to be introduced into the Senate shortly.
The Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act, if passed, will designate seven key wilderness areas throughout Pershing County including the Tobin Crest, the Selenite Mountains, and Mt. Limbo. The bill would also provide the necessary tools to help resolve the checkerboard lands issue in the County. To read more about the campaign, view the most recent discussion draft, and view photos from the proposed wilderness areas, click here.