Dear Senator Heller and Senator Reid,
I am writing to you in support of the second discussion draft of the Pershing County Economic Development and Conservation Act, released in May 2016. I applaud your efforts in working towards finding a common-sense solution that will resolve wilderness study areas and checkerboard lands within Pershing County. I believe this is a strong step for economic development and to ensure the permanent protection of Pershing County's high-value public lands. I am in strong support of designating the seven proposed areas as wilderness - Tobin Crest, Fencemaker, Augusta Mountains, Bluewing, Mt. Limbo, Selenite Mountains, and North Sahwave - and encourage you to keep working towards making this bill a reality. Thank you for all of your efforts on this Act that would, if passed, ensure new economic and conservation opportunities for Pershing County. I appreciate your hard work and bipartisanship.
Thank you,