*** All Projects are now full ***
- Please email [email protected] to be added to a waitlist -
Join us for National Public Lands Day 2020!
This year, National Public Lands Day is taking on a new form: 1 day, 5 great projects, and a children's day-camp host by Nevada Outdoor School. Join us in giving back to our beautiful public lands and the Black Rock Desert! Projects will be limited to a 10 person capacity and everyone will follow safety protocols to assure the health and safety of all participants. See below for descriptions of the 5 different projects, links to Sign-Up, Kids Camp Registration, and FAQs. These projects are done in partnership with the BLM Winnemucca, Friends of Black Rock-High Rock, and Nevada Outdoor School.
We look forward to seeing you! Find a project from the list below, sign up, and we'll see you on the playa!
Project 1: Coyote Dunes #1
The much loved and much used Trego Hot Springs and Campground needs your help! This project will involve cleaning up trash, marking campsites, and repairing damage from irresponsible off-road vehicle use.
- Project Full -
Project 2: Coyote Dunes Fence Repair
The Coyote Dunes are a unique and threatened ecosystem within the playa and home to Kit Fox. Exclosures were built around these dunes 10 years ago by Friends of Nevada Wilderness volunteers to discourage vehicles from driving over the sensitive habitat. After 10 years in this harsh environment, the fences need some maintenance and repair. This project will include replacing and repairing the wooden fence using hand tools and power tools.
Project 3: Safety Fencing for on-Playa Markers
This team will be installing small fences around Cadastral Markers and other obstructions on the Playa surface. These obstructions could potentially become a danger to someone driving in the area, for safety a fence will be placed around the to warn drivers. The project will involve constructing and painting small fences and driving around the playa.
Project 4: "Mormon Dan Team #1" - Mormon Dan Restoration and Route Repair
Two groups of volunteers will be working in the Mormon Dan area of the playa. This area has received increased use and damage lately. These two teams will be repairing fencing around sensitive dunes, restoring illegal routes, and repairing other damage to this beautiful area.
Project 5: "Mormon Dan Team #2" - Mormon Dan Restoration and Route Repair
Two groups of volunteers will be working in the Mormon Dan area of the playa. This area has received increased use and damage lately. These two teams will be repairing fencing around sensitive dunes, restoring illegal routes, and repairing other damage to this beautiful area.
The outdoor education experts at Nevada Outdoor School will be hosting a COVID19 safe kids camp this year. The day will include socially distanced games and learning activities centered around nature and the Black Rock Desert. In order to attend Kids Camp - you must preregister your children.
To Register for Kids Camp - Email [email protected] with:
Subject Line "NPLD Kids Camp"
Participant's Name, Age, and any other pertinent info
Guardians Name and Contact Info
1) This is a single-day event - there will be no group camping or meals. Of course, you are welcome to camp on your own before or after the project (it's your public lands after all!)
2) You are responsible for getting yourself to and from the project site. No volunteers will be allowed to drive with staff members.
3) Volunteers are expected to bring all the water, food, and personal supplies you will need for your visit.
4) Do not plan to shop or use any services in Gerlach, Empire, or the Pyramid Lake Reservation.
5) Pack a lunch, bring plenty of snacks, and bring at least 1.5 gallons per person per day, bring more than you think you’ll need, stay hydrated!
6) CARRY A MASK, and be prepared to wear your mask at all times, including while working or standing outdoors. Volunteers are required to have a mask and wear it while 6 ft from anyone else.
7) CAPACITY: A total of 10 people per project including leads and volunteers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
8) Because spots are limited, every participant must Sign-up individually. If your children are joining you on a project - please sign them up for the same project as you.
9) We will be meeting at the BLM - Black Rock Field Station (Just past Gerlach) on the morning of September 26th. Volunteers and leaders will then caravan to their projects.
Questions? Email [email protected]