Join us as we head back up to Northern Nevada, this time nearly to Oregon and continue our statewide habitat restoration efforts. Click here for information on the Holloway Fire.
We will be planting bitterbrush and elderyberry. Being this late in the season, it could be on the colder side of things but Fall will be in full bloom, no doubt. There will be plenty of hot coffee and tea and cocoa. In addition, we will provide breakfast both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday night, a good old fashioned dutch oven feast will be provided! Expect a weekend of new discovery and hard work and excellent food. More details to follow as we move closer to the event and trip is subject to change or cancellation.
November 04, 2016 at 12:00pm - November 06, 2016
Disaster Peak WSA - Habitat Restoration
Richie Bednarski
· 775-324-7667