No. Nevada - Black Rock NCA Wilderness Boundary Marking


Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the Bureau of Land Management as we explore the Black Rock NCA and install Wilderness Boundary Markers. These markers play a critical role in defining public land spaces. These trips are a great way to get out and explore the back roads of Nevada!


Excellent Bird Watching opportunities as well as stellar photography chances. A great weekend to get out of town and experience your public lands.

Breakfast will be provided both Saturday and Sunday mornings. A stupendously delicious dinner will all be provided Saturday evening after work; by way of Dutch Ovens. Be prepared to bring your dinner on Friday and lunches throughout the weekend.

Details are subject to change, for more information please contact us at [email protected] or call the Friends of Nevada Wilderness office at 775-324-7667.


August 19, 2016 at 12:00pm - August 22, 2016
Black Rock NCA
Richie Bednarski · · 775-324-7667
Bob Ralston Keith Chan Alicia Powers Juli Slivka

Who's RSVPing

Bob Ralston
Keith Chan
Alicia Powers
Juli Slivka

Will you come?

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