Join NDOW for a Native Planting Restoration Project in the Mormon Mountains on Saturday, October 22
Mormon Mountains Restoration Site
Saturday October 22, 2022
Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the Nevada Department of Wildlife will be conducting restoration in the form of a Native Planting Event to establish native perennials following a wildfire. Activities will center in an area burned by wildfire in the Mormon Mountains of Lincoln county. Please arrive at the restoration site at 9:00 am for volunteer registration and a safety briefing, the event will end around 1:00 pm.
A high clearance vehicle is required to reach the restoration site which is located along Carp-Elgin Road approximately and hour and a half from Las Vegas. All materials and tools will be provided, but volunteers are responsible for bringing personal gear (e.g., work gloves, sturdy boots, sunglasses, sunscreen, food, water, ect.). Please check the weather conditions prior to the event and come prepared.
For additional information or questions about camping, please contact Matt Flores 702-290-5262 [email protected]. Thank you for your dedication and assistance in helping improve habitat for wildlife in Nevada.
Driving directions and recommendations (From Las Vegas: see map) 1 hour 30 minutes
The Mormon Mountains restoration site is located 80 miles north of the town of Las Vegas Nevada. Directions to the restoration site. Signs will be placed for you to follow once you leave the pavement.
- Head out of town on I-15 north
- Take exit 100 towards Carp/Elgin road
- Turn left onto Carp/Elgin Road, proceed under the freeway and turn right.
- Follow this road for 3.8 miles until it turns left and the pavement ends.
- Follow this dirt road for 13.6 miles. Stay on the main road. The road will go under the power lines, past a sign for Hackberry springs road, and over Rainbow pass.
- Turn right onto a faint two-track road. Look for the volunteer event sign. the two-track road is in good shape, follow for 0.1 miles.
Camping is available on dispersed areas along Carp/Elgin road. No amenities are provided.
Mormon Mountains Restoration Site 13
Lincoln County, NV 89008
United States
Google Map and Directions