Navy Extends Public Comment on Fallon Expansion to Feb. 14

Help Save the Stillwater Wildlands!

January 17, 2019 - The U.S. Navy has extended the public review and comment period by an additional 30 days for the Fallon Range Training Complex Modernization Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Public comments may now be submitted through Feb. 14, 2019.

The Navy has posted the comment period extension notices to the project website.

Comments pertaining to the Navy’s proposed modernization or the draft environmental analysis may also be submitted online

or by mail to:

     Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest
     Attention: Code EV21.SG
     1220 Pacific Highway
     Building 1, 5th Floor
     San Diego, CA 92132
Go to to find out where Friends stands on this proposal to set aside huge swaths of our public lands for military training. 

Additional information is also available at All written comments must be postmarked or received online by Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2019, to be considered in the Final EIS.

Additionally, per public request, the Navy has posted Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files, which are location files used to display geographic data in an Earth browser, such as Google Earth, to the project website.

The Navy prepared a Draft EIS to assess the potential environmental impacts of the proposed modernization of the Fallon Range Training Complex, located in northern Nevada. The Draft EIS was released for public review and comment on Nov. 16, 2018.

The Navy’s proposal to modernize the Fallon Ranges would include:
  * Renewal of the current public land withdrawal
  * Land range expansion through additional withdrawal of public lands and acquisition of non-federal land
  * Airspace expansion and modifications
  * Upgrades to range infrastructure

Proposed modernization would provide more realistic training capabilities while maintaining the safety of local communities.

Additional information is available at
Fallon Range Training Complex Modernization EIS

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