Spend a day hiking, enjoying our Backyard Wilderness and volunteering. These trips will focus on identifying potentially new noxious weed locations within the Mt. Rose Wilderness as well as monitoring existing populations. Working directly with the Carson City Ranger District, we have identified a few locations where noxious weeds may have been introduced.
These trips are a great way to:
- Gain valuable Noxious Weed knowledge
- Hike to new locations
- Have a unique and different experience
- Become a Mt. Rose Ambassador
- Learn how to use a GPS
These will be day hikes (5-8 hours) into the Wilderness beginning on trail and continuing off trail. Some rough, uneven terrain will be expected, so sturdy hiking boots and/or trekking poles are recommended.
All trips are subject to change due to the weather and unforeseeable happenings.
May 06, 2016 at 8:00am - 2pm
Mt. Rose Wilderness
Nora Kaufmann
· 775-324-7667