Harris Springs Kiosks

Volunteering is back!  Join us Monday 10/19 at Harris Springs Road and help install some kiosks with us!

Friends of Nevada Wilderness is happy to announce that we are returning to volunteer projects in Southern Nevada.  Please RSVP to join us this Monday, 10/19 to install 3 informational kiosks along Harris Springs Road in the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area. 

Welcome back, we've missed you!  It's been a long summer without volunteers, and we're excited to get back into the field with everyone.  The Harris Kiosk project is a perfect way for us to get started and welcome people back into the wilderness with us.  Friends of Nevada Wilderness has designed 3 informational kiosks in cooperation with the Forest Service.  These kiosks will help to inform visitors about recreation opportunities along Harris Springs and Harris Mountain roads.

Some Important Details: Volunteers must have access to a high clearance 4x4 vehicle and the ability to drive off pavement, on rough surfaces, and off road.  Volunteers will need to ride in their own vehicles as individuals or carpools.  Volunteers will be required to wear masks and maintain safe distancing. 


What we'll be doing: Now that that is said, let's talk about the project!  We will work in small groups to assemble, place, and cement each kiosk. The kiosks are made of steel, and are about 6' wide when assembled.  We may need to dig or adjust pre-dug postholes.  We will work from 8:00 am and return to the meeting point by 4:00pm at the latest.  


What you should wear and bring: You need to bring a face mask or other CDC-compliant face covering. 

Please bring work gloves, eye protection, at least 1 liter (a quart) of water for yourself, lunch, and any other personal items you may need (snacks, extra water, sunscreen, Chapstick, etc.). 

Please wear long pants and closed-toed shoes suitable for walking on rocky natural surfaces.  I recommend a long-sleeved shirt for sun protection.  Please keep in mind you may get dirty and you may get concrete dust on your clothes - do not wear anything unless you are okay with potentially staining it.

You must bring your own vehicle or ride with someone with their own vehicle - your vehicles needs to be ready and able to go off-highway.  You need a high-clearance 4x4 - please contact me first if you have questions about the road or your vehicle's suitability.  


What we will bring:  We will provide necessary tools, instructions, and some thank you swag! We will also have extra water and snacks for you.

Where we will meet:  Along Kyle Canyon Road, in the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area, at the Harris Springs Road parking area.

When we will meet:  At 8:00am on Monday, October 19. We will return to the parking area by 4:00pm at the latest.  


Please contact us if you have any questions - you can reach me at [email protected].



October 19, 2020 at 8:00am - 4pm
Spring Mountains National Recreation Area
Harris Springs Road
Las Vegas, NV
United States
Google Map and Directions
Peter Sbraccia ·
Daevona Mcarthur

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Daevona Mcarthur

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