This event has been cancelled,
due to the Government Shutdown.
Eldorado Wilderness is a rugged, seldom visited area extending to the Colorado River. This Wilderness is mountainous desert with dirt roads leading to it's edges. One of these roads extends beyond the wilderness boundary and leads to a old dump site. On October 11th volunteers will remove the old trash, naturalize the abandoned two track road, and install a post barrier. It sounds like a lot of work and it is but it could be the most fun you will have digging holes in the desert and healing this wild area!
What to bring
Long pants, long sleeves, sturdy shoes, snacks and lunch, water bottle, sunscreen
What is provided
Trash bags, trash pickers, tools, hard hats, gloves, water, additional snacks, sunscreen
If you want to help out at this event please RSVP, and if you have questions please ask the contact person listed below. See you there!