Due Diligence

Due Diligence

Here we answer common questions regarding Friends of Nevada Wilderness and our activities.

(Inspired by the book, Robin Hood Was Right: A Guide to Giving Your Money for Social Change, by Chuck Collins, et. al)

How long has the group been in existence?

Friends has been actively involved in protecting Nevada’s wild places since 1984. Over the years Friends’ staff has grown, as has our family of dedicated members and volunteers. Friends is becoming ever more effective in gaining protection for and, where necessary, restoring wild lands across Nevada.

What is its track record?

Friends of Nevada Wilderness, along with its founding board members, influenced every piece of federal legislation to designate wilderness in Nevada, including the 1964 Wilderness Act, itself. To date, we have helped designate more than 3 million acres of wilderness in the state. Friends has also built a nationally-recognized, statewide wilderness volunteer program to heal the land. Thanks to our volunteers, many places are wilder now than they were when designated.

How does it evaluate its work?

Friends of Nevada Wilderness is a results-based organization; ultimately what matters most is how many wild areas are protected, how many on-the-ground projects are completed to help heal the land (from illegal off road use, weeds, trash, etc), and how many people step up to advocate and care for their public lands. We measure all of these accomplishments. In addition to helping conserve over 3 million acres of wilderness, in the last few years, our volunteers have participated in hundreds of stewardship projects in dozens of wild places across Nevada.

Does it have a fundraising plan?

Yes. Only through support from dedicated people, companies and foundations can we be effective in caring for Nevada’s wild places. In the most recent fiscal year, Friends raised $720,000.

How, and from what sources, does it raise its budget?

Friends receives the bulk of its funding from private and public foundations. Our goal is to meet expenses through a diverse set of funding sources, including a mix of individuals, foundations, businesses and earnings from our small, but growing, endowment.

How is the group’s financial health?

Our budget has supported ever-more-successful programs over the past decade. Additionally, we are working to grow our endowment so the income it generates will provide a reliable financial base into the future.

Does it produce and monitor a budget each year?

Yes. Each January, Friends of Nevada Wilderness produces an annual budget, which is approved by our board of directors. It is carefully monitored throughout the year, and it is adjusted when necessary. Copies of our budget and IRS 990 report, which details income, expenses, and other key financial indicators, are available on request.

Does it have a donor privacy policy?

Yes. Friends of Nevada Wilderness does not sell, trade or share donor (or member) information with anyone else, nor do we send donor solicitations on behalf of other organizations.

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