In so many ways, the value of the time, energy and passion our volunteers put in to stewarding their public lands is truly priceless.
But…if we did put a price on it, it would be three million dollars!
Yes! Since 2007, nearly 1,000 volunteers have put in over 116,000 volunteer hours, totally more than $3 million in market value. That’s $3 million in savings to taxpayers who would otherwise have to cover the cost of federal employees to do the work. Or, sadly, that’s maybe $3 million worth of stewardship that would never have been done due to lack of federal resources.
So, “thanks a million” doesn’t quite cover it. When we’re talking about our awesome volunteers, it’s “thanks 3 million…and counting!”
Our 2022 stewardship project season is already underway with volunteers signing up every day! And that is truly priceless.
Volunteers scrubbing graffiti off rocks on Mt. Charleston
Weed Warriors pulling invasive weeks on Mt. Rose