Wilderness Hike

We'll be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act with a short hike into our very own backyard wilderness, Mt. Rose! Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness along with partnering organizations like the Sierra Club for this interpretative hike. A free picnic at Galena Regional Park, Manzanita Picnic Area to follow - please RSVP to the picnic separately here: http://www.nevadawilderness.org/wilderness_picnic

September 13, 2014 at 8:00am - 11:30am
Galena Regional Park - Manzanita Picnic Area
Shevawn Von Tobel · · 775-324-7667
Janis Foltz Mary Walkiewicz Mitchell Brown-Silveira Pam Collins Henry Egghart Sharon Marie Wilcox Joseph Chiaretti

Who's RSVPing

Janis Foltz
Mary Walkiewicz
Mitchell Brown-Silveira
Pam Collins
Henry Egghart
Sharon Marie Wilcox
Joseph Chiaretti

Will you come?

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