Great Basin Outdoor School are seeking young adults who love the outdoors & working with kids who may like the opportunity to volunteer as a cabin leader at Lake Tahoe with fifth or sixth grade students. They are now taking applications to help during the following days: Sept. 29-Oct. 2 or Oct. 19-22.
HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CABIN LEADERS are introduced to careers in the sciences, teaching, or leadership fields while they supervise and mentor fifth and sixth grade students during four-day spring and fall programs and two- and three-day winter programs. Students may earn community service hours, internship credit, or Work Study credit by prior arrangement with their schools.
DUTIES: Be a positive role model. Keep children safe, happy and involved. Assist with on-the-trail field instruction, songs, and skits. Supervise children in cabin and cafeteria.
GREAT BASIN OUTDOOR SCHOOL is a Nevada non-profit organization devoted to youth development in the outdoor classroom. Activities connect classroom learning to real-life experiences to promote insight, confidence, and a love for learning and the outdoors.
HANDS-ON DISCOVERY in the outdoor classroom builds cooperation, respect, and responsibility and exposure to related career fields during four-day field studies through standards-based science, language arts, math, social studies, and the arts, individual and group activities.
High school absences can be pre-arranged and excused as school business.
To get more information and to apply, e-mail Sue Jacox at [email protected]