The Volunteer Spring Monitoring Program in Southern Nevada is our newest project designed to recruit recreationists, create lasting stewards, and help the Forest Service manage the Spring Mountain's namesake. If you're interested in volunteering, Grace or Jesy would be happy to hear from you! Please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or call our office at 702-515-5417.
The Mt.Charleston License Plate grant has kick-started this program. Last year Friends of Nevada Wilderness was awarded a grant from the Mt.Charleston License Plate grant to purchase equipment, train volunteers and staff and build a program local volunteers can get excited about! We've been able to purchase equipment to measure water quantity and quality for volunteers to use at the hundreds of springs on the Mountain.
The Springs Stewardship Institute provided an initial training for volunteers and staff and have created an online database used to organize springs data worldwide. Anyone can take a look at their website here to learn about the importance of springs. We strongly encourage it if you're interested in volunteering!
What does the Spring Monitoring Program involve?
We ask volunteers to attend a half-day training, which are being scheduled as needed and can be found on our Calendar of Events. This will provide the opportunity to learn a little bit about springs as ecosystems and get hands on experience doing actual monitoring. Once trained, each volunteer is able to go out exploring on their own to find and monitor springs. We'll provide the equipment and support needed to do the work.
We try to monitor a spring once a year, sometimes more frequently. We'd like to monitor as many of the 200 springs in the Spring Mountains as volunteers are able - and we need all the help we can get! This is a pretty unique opportunity to volunteer when you choose, largely where you choose, and by yourself or with your friends. It's a customizable program available to all ages and experience levels. Check our Calendar for the next hike or training!
Thank you to the Mt. Charleston License Plate and their owners!