Save the Recreational Trails Program

We need your help – right now - to save the Recreational Trails Program (RTP)!  We have just learned that two amendments to HR 3763, the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015, have been filed that would specifically eliminate the RT, the essential program that has served as the foundation of state trail programs all across the country for more than 20 years. Consideration of amendments by the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, November 3rd and continue through Wednesday, November 4th. Time is very short.  Please take action today!

Please tell the Members of Congress to vote no on the Carter and Yoho amendments.  These amendments would destroy the RTP – the essential program that has served as the foundation of state trail programs all across the country for more than 20 years.   RTP and would take the federal gas taxes paid by nonhighway recreationists away from the trails community and use them for other purposes.  This is bad policy and it’s wrong. Please take action immediately!

Call your representative today to save Nevada trails!

Rep. Dina Titus — District 1

Las Vegas
Phone: (702) 220-9823


Washington DC

Phone: (202) 225-5965


Rep. Mark Amodei — District 2

Washington DC
Phone: (202) 225-6155
Phone: (775) 686-5760

 Rep. Joe Heck — District 3

Las Vegas
Phone: (702) 387-4941
Washington DC
Phone: (202) 225-3252

Rep. Cresent Hardy — District 4

Las Vegas
Phone: (702) 912-1634

Washington DC
Phone: (202) 225-9894


The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds to the States to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both nonmotorized and motorized recreational trail uses.




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