Starting May 2020, we will begin our final summer re-building the Griffith Peak Trail, the only trail still closed due to damage caused by the devastating Carpenter 1 Fire of 2013. But, we need your help to get this done! Join us on overnight stewardship events as we work to re-open the Griffith Peak Trail.
We will camp out high in Mt. Charleston Wilderness while completing much needed backcountry trail maintenance like removing down trees and building new tread where the trail has been completely lost. Like an authentic trail crew, we will camp for several nights and continue our work each morning. Come, sleep under the stars, breathe in the clean mountain air, experience Mt. Charleston Wilderness up close, and appreciate trails in a new way this summer. Building a trail side-by-side with other outdoors lovers is a fun and immensely rewarding way to give back to the places you love.
Does this sound like something you would like to be a part of? Great! RSVP at the bottom of the page and we'll email you on May 15th when we release the schedule of this summer's hitches.
About the Trail - Located in Mt. Charleston Wilderness, 5.6 mile Griffith Peak Trail has been closed since being decimated by the Carpenter 1 Fire and successive flooding in 2013. The trail is currently under an array of logs and, in some places, non-existent. Before wildfire, the trail provided a quieter alternative to South Loop Trail and offered views of the back of Red Rock Canyon. Reopening Griffith Peak Trail will give hikers additional access to alpine Bristlecone Pine forests, Griffith Peak (11,059 ft), and Charleston Peak (11,916 ft). We'll be approaching Griffith Peak Trail from Kyle Canyon, via the South Loop Trail.
About the Trailwork - No prior trailwork experience is required! You’ll receive a safety and training session before working, including proper techniques and tool use. Be prepared be do trailwork all day by carrying a day pack with lunch and at least 3 liters of water. We will work in 4-day hitches, we hope you can join us for the whole time, but you can also come for as little as two days.
Camp - We'll be camping along South Loop trail, 4.2 miles and 2,900 up from the trailhead. We strongly encourage you to make use of our pack support (Example below 🐴🐴😍) to get your gear up the trail. That way, more of our energy is spent building the trail rather than backpacking up it. Otherwise, you are responsible to backpack your gear up to camp.
RSVP below if you are interested in joining our Volunteer Trail Crew this summer!
Details will be sent on May 15, 2020 and projects will begin shortly after.
Join us in our efforts to re-open Griffith Peak Trail!