Park Range Road Restoration



Few places in this state are more remote and less used than the Park Range. It supports a dense forest of pinyon pine, juniper and mountain mahogany. We will be assisting the BLM in a road restoration project in order to help keep this Nevada gem in “Wild” condition. Please note - sturdy closed toed shoes, long pants and long sleeve shirt, hardhat and gloves are required during volunteer work. Adult work gloves, safety glasses and hardhat will be provided. Volunteers need to have their own personal camping equipment (equipment list is available upon request) and provide their own lunch, and breakfast & dinner will be provided by Friends of Nevada Wilderness). For more information about this volunteer opportunity please contact Kurt Kuznicki, Southern Nevada director at 775 324-7667 or [email protected].  

May 02, 2014 at 8:00am - May 06, 2014
Park Range WSA
Kurt Kuznicki · · (7775) 745-3119
Randy McNatt Jim Neveln Michael Tice Larry Dwyer Sharon Marie Wilcox Kurt Kuznicki
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