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Wilderness Area Status: BLM-inventoried Land with Wilderness Character in the Carson City District Resource Management Plan. Year Designated: Act or Law: Acres: about 16,253 State Region: Northwest Nevada County: Lyon Management Managing Agency: Bureau of Land Management Local District: Carson City Field Office Contact Info: (775) 885-6000 5665 Morgan Hill Rd. Carson City, NV 89701 Visit the website (will open a new window) Area Description The Lyon Peak area affords outstanding natural habitats for wild species being displaced from the development of the Carson Valley. The area alternates between rolling upland sagebrush country, woodlands of pinyon pine, and steep canyons on the western side. The long ridge of Lyon Peak itself sports rugged rock formations, dense thickets of mountain mahogany, and extensive sagebrush grasslands. Elevations vary between 5,000 feet in the bottom of the steep canyons in the northwest corner to 8763 feet atop the summit of Lyon peak itself. Larger species include mountain lion, mule deer, pronghorn, wild horses, coyotes, bobcats, and black bear. Plant species include pinyon, juniper, ephedra, bitterbrush, sagebrush, horse brush, native bunch grasses, rice grass, and Great Basin wild rye. From the expansive sagebrush uplands, to the extensive pinyon forest, to the steeper and challenging deep canyons on the west side, the diversity of landscape and elevation within this offer outstanding opportunities for wilderness explorers of all skill levels. The long ridge of Lyon Peak offers outstanding opportunities for strong hikers to explore the highest elevations of this wild area. The colorful historic mining associated with the area provides many wonders for people who enjoy exploring the rich history of Nevada. The variety of geology in this unit presents outstanding opportunities for rockhounding. Heavy winter snows create opportunities for snowshoeing, backcountry skiing, and winter backcountry camping.
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