Additional SNDO RMP Resources
The original, complete Lands with Wilderness Characteristics (LWC) by the BLM for the Southern Nevada District is available here:
You can read how the decisions were made on each of the areas we disagree with. Our objection is primarily two-fold: 1st, we feel these areas meet the criteria for LWC but were improperly and incompletely inventoried and 2nd, we feel the BLM used faulty rationale and reasoning that was inconsistent with agency policy in making these decisions. Links for the required LWC policy in the BLM Manuals for LWC are below:
Navigating through the Las Vegas RMP is a rather daunting process. The RMP is usually posted a pdf is a little easier to navigate through, however it is a rather large file and takes time to download. Both the html and pdf versions of the RMP are available at the following website (there are two icons html & pdf):
Unfortunately, links do not work to specific components of the html RMP so, for example, you will have to open the file then navigate to:
< Lands with Wilderness Characteristics>
to see the LWCs that have been chosen by the BLM for protection in the various Alternatives
As for documentation of our rationale for including these additional areas, we are still in the process of developing our comments and hope to have them posted on our website by next week.
If you need more documentation or any other information to make this process easier and more convenient for you, please contact Kirk at:
or call 775-324-7667.
Alternative 2 (Conservation Alternative) (Note that many lands that are deserving of protection are not included such as Bitter Ridge, Buffington Pockets, etc.)
Alternative 3 (Preferred Alternative)